Welcome to Project Freedom! I am not free because all of my favorite things to do are trapped in this very messy office. We moved into this house in August and this is the very best this room has looked since we moved here. You can see my problem. Unfortunately, I am one of those people that gets overwhelmed with the size of a project at the outset and I throw my hands in the air and give up. We have downsized considerably in square footage in this new house so this room has become the proverbial "dumping ground". It is the home for computer equipment, sewing machines and supplies, craft supplies, office supplies, and gift wrap supplies. Oh yeah and books, and books, and books...notice how you don't see any in the photo! That is because they are all packed tightly in many boxes underneath the tables running the full length of one wall.
So today I was on the phone with my longtime friend Cara of Garden View Cottage (hee hee Cara!) and we were both lamenting the state of our respective offices. So we came up with a plan to keep each other accountable to provide motivation to get this job done and free ourselves of the burden of mess! I want to free my creativity, free my supplies for creativity, and find peace in this place I usually love to be. Cara's committment to organizing with me was just the motivation I needed so we were thinking that others out there may need "freedom" (and motivation) too. Won't you join us in our mission to find our desktops? Leave a comment and email your photos if it helps you get your groove on! Don't forget to include any great tips you have for ways to organize a space for its best accessibility and convenience-not to mention making a space like this pleasing to be in. Check back for updates on our progress...
Hi Jennifer,
I hope you don't mind, but I tracked you down from the Pink Christmas blog. I hope that's not weird. I just wanted you to know how completely perfect that photograph was for me. I loved Hawaii and really want to go back. I love that I have a daily reminder of how beautiful it is. Thank you so much!
Hi Jen, I found u from Cara's site (which I only found her site recently too). Anyway, I wanted to let you know that you are not alone in the boxes & clutter. I love things to be organized and in neat spaces, unfortunately not all my areas are that way. My desk is a total paper pile. I'm too embarrassed to show any pictures, but now I have more motivation to clear it off. Good Luck to you both!!
Oh, I so need to excavate my desktop! Good luck in your mission.
Oh this is soooo do-able. We are going to get throught this together!! I see you have a lot of baskets, that's good, and built in shelves and even an awesome counter space. I'm thinking that might be a great sewing area!! I know it's hard for me to help since I'm not there but I'm rooting for you!! Go Jen Go!!!
I find being accountable to someone highly motivating. Somehow everything seems more manageable when I know you're going to be reporting back to someone. Whenever I have to do this I'm suddenly able to see exactly what needs to be done.
Good luck with your organizing!
Hey Jen, Emily Musso from Cleveland here. I guess we have a mutual friend of sorts. I was reading my friend Stie's blog and she had a comment by someone named Cara who I clicked on and she linked here to your blog. So funny and great to see how your doing!
Hey there Jen...it's me Tara Hale...I found your blog in a round about way...you know through a friend, through a friend, through another friend...the only thing that matters is that I found you...Sorry, I was too excited to say hello, that I didn't even read this post...hope things are going well, I will add you to my favorites and start reading!
I've tagged you...your it...(It's me Tara Hale from Cleveland...I've found your blog through a friend of a friend and some how they are all linked back to Emily Musso.) So, go to my blog halebtblog.blogspot, and find out what's in store for you!
You can do it! I just organized our basement into a crafting room. It took a long time, and I can't say that it's all organized still....but its a daily battle! Sewing is messy! We miss you here in Rocky River!!
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