Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Aren't we handy?

Home Depot is the best! While I philosophically object to its big box operating style and its declining quality of customer service, I have to admire the marketing genius who decided a workshop for kids to build stuff like birdfeeders (as we did) would be a great way to get their parents into the store. This was our first experience with the kids workshops and we had a really great time. To be truthful the project was a little beyond this bunch and the moms ended up doing most of the assembly but they sure had a great time donning safety glasses and applying way too much wood glue.

By the way, as a note to Home Depot, they really should have called this the "squirrel feeder" project as that seems to be what we are attracting most. I don't know about the rest of you but Ohio has way too many squirrels and I basically view them as more hairy and germy rats that come a lot closer to my children but that's a paranoia post for another day... Posted by Picasa


Jill said...

We've never gone to Home Depot to do one of their workshops. I didn't even realize they had workshops for kids. That sounds fun--something Randy could take them to do so that if the project was over their heads he could finish it. I'm sure the kids thought it was the coolest thing ever.

everything pink! said...

i have always seen those but have never done them

michelle said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! But I wouldn't want to encourage any more squirrels...